Invited Speakers
Sigrid Jacobs graduated in electro technical engineering at Ghent University in ’88 and obtained a business engineering degree at the Vlerick School for management in ’91. After developing electrical steels at the metallurgy lab of Ghent University, she joined the ArcelorMittal group. She first was involved in engineering projects for steel production. Then she continued the development of electrical steels in different plants from the group, in an international know-how exchange context. Her Global R&D function includes co-engineering projects with electrical machine manufacturers. She has been the Portfolio Director for the group’s activities in Electrical Steels and is now Expert for Electrical Steels. Scientific publications range from electrical steel general metallurgy, to texture developments, as well as application oriented work such as magnetic or mechanical machine design. Sigrid is for TC 68 chairperson in the Belgian Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) and project leader in the international standardisation of magnetic materials and measurement techniques (for which she received the “1906 AWARD” in 2016). At the European level, she is convenor of the CEN/TC 459/SC 8 “ECISS” for the standardisation of steel sheet and strip for electrical applications and a speaker in the VDA working group on electric and electronic materials. She also is the Belgian head of delegation in the European hyperloop standardisation committee CEN/CENELEC JTC20.
Abstract: Material investigation for the next generation electrical traction machines

Dagmar Goll is a full professor of Physics of Magnetic Materials at Aalen University (Materials Research Institute). Her scientific interests are research and analysis of novel magnetic materials and processing methods, microstructure property relations, and fundamental physics of magnets (micromagnetism). In her career, she obtained her Ph.D. in Physics from University of Stuttgart/Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Metals Research (group Prof. Kronmueller). She was awarded with a research stipend of German DAAD for a postdoc position at the University of California, San Diego (group Prof. Bertram). Until 2010 she was a junior research group leader at MPI Stuttgart “Magnetic Nanostructures”.
Abstract: Additive manufacturing of soft magnetic materials and components
Dr. Ouyang is a materials scientist in the Materials Science and Engineering Division at Ames Laboratory (a U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory). Before that, he was a post-doc researcher at Iowa State University. Dr. Ouyang’s current research focuses on soft magnetic materials and high temperature structural materials. His current research projects include Fe-Si based soft magnetic materials for motor and power electronics, refractory high entropy alloys for high temperature applications, and combinatorial synthesis and characterization of shape memory alloys. Dr. Ouyang has extensive experience in soft magnetic materials, high temperature alloys and ceramics, shape memory alloys, and materials processing and characterization. In the last three years, He has published 6 peer reviewed papers (one invited review), and 2 patents on high silicon steel.
Abstract: Recent development in processing and application of Fe-6.5%Si soft magnetic material
Franca Albertini is a Research Director at the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and leader of the Magnetic and Multiferroic Materials Group at the Institute of Materials for Electronics and Magnetism (IMEM). Her main interests are in magnetic and multifunctional properties of bulk and nanoscale materials for energy and bio-medicine applications. Her current activity is mainly focused on the understanding and tuning the multifunctional properties of magnetic shape memory Heusler compounds, where magnetic and structural degrees of freedom play a primary role. She has been chair of international conferences (Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS2012, IEEE-Advances in Magnetics 2020-21) and program chair of conferences (JEMS2016) and symposia of international conferences (e.g. MRS, CIMTEC, JEMS, ICM). She has been the president of the Italian Magnetism Association (2017-2021) and has served different scientific societies (e.g. IEEE-Magnetics, European Magnetic Association, European Physical Society).
Abstract: Ferromagnetic shape memory Heuslers: a journey from bulk to nano
Paul R. Ohodnicki Jr. is currently an associate professor in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science department at the University of Pittsburgh and the Engineering Science program director. He is also the founding director of the Advanced Magnetics for Power and Energy Development (AMPED) consortium, a university – industry – government collaborative partnership focused on educating the next generation workforce at the intersection between new soft magnetic materials, device applications, and system level integration for renewable integraton and vehicle electrification. In addition, he serves as the Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of CorePower Magnetics, an early stage startup seeking to commercialize a portfolio of intellectual property developed during his time as an employee at the US Department of Energy. Prior to his current roles, he was a materials scientist and technical portfolio lead in the Functional Materials Team of the Materials Engineering & Manufacturing Directorate of the National Energy Technology Laboratory. He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2005 with a B.Phil. in engineering physics and a B.A. in economics and subsequently earned his M.S. (2006) and Ph.D. (2008) in materials science and engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. Ohodnicki has published more than 150 technical publications and holds more than 15 patents, with more than 30 additional patents under review. He also is the recipient of a number of awards and recognitions, including the Federal Employee Rookie of the Year Award (2012), Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (2016), and the Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Innovation Category Award for the Carnegie Science Center (2012, 2017, 2019). In 2017, he was a nominee for the Samuel J. Heyman service to America Medal.
Abstract: Nanocrystalline Soft Magnets: Applications, State-of-Art, and Emerging Trends
Eckhard Quandt received his Diploma and Dr.-Ing. degrees in physics from the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, in 1986 and 1990, respectively. Since 2006 he is a Professor for Materials Science with Kiel University, Kiel, Germany. His scientific focus is material research on smart materials and multiferroics and the use of these materials for the development of sensors and actuators. He is a member of Acatech, National Academy of Science and Engineering. Since October 2020 Eckhard Quandt is Vice President for Research at Kiel University.
Abstract: Love Wave Surface Acoustic Wave Magnetic Field Sensors
Pedro Martins has focused his work on polymer-based ME materials (PBMM) and printed magnetic materials (PMM), collaborating with the Basque Country University; Wollongong University, and Cambridge University, among others. In total, he has authored 105 peer-reviewed articles on polymer-based magnetic/ME materials, printed magnetics and magnetic devices development, 15 of which have been for applications related with spintronics. He is the main author of 60 of these articles, with 40 as first author, 15 as last author, and 30 as corresponding author. His work has been highlighted by the Stanford University and the Clarivate Analytics, and carries a total of 5400 citations with an h-index of 33 (source: SCOPUS 16/03/2022). He has given 10 invited talks and 15 oral conference sessions on my work in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. He also is an author on one patent application, 1 textbook and 3 textbook chapters. He was also invited by the: i) European Research Council Executive Agency to evaluate 2nd-step ERC Starting Grants; ii) Czech Science Foundation to be included on the Advisory Board; iii) National Agency for Scientific and Technical Promotion of the Argentine Republic to evaluate scientific projects. He has received approximately 1 000 000,000 € in funding throughout his career.
Abstract: Biomedical Applications of magnetoactive smart materials: You are what you synthesize
Vassilis Zaspalis is chemical engineer, full professor on Materials Science and Technology at the department of Chemical Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and collaborating faculty member at the Center for Research and Technology-Hellas. He has more than 30 year experience in research, development and industrial production of soft ferrite materials. He has developed a series of commercially available MnZn- and NiZn-ferrites initially for Philips as researcher at the Philips Research Laboratories in Aachen-Germany (1991-2001) and subsequently for Ferroxcube (2001-today). His main scientific interest concerning soft ferrites is directed towards understanding the relations between material structure and microstructure, magnetic performance and the processes required to achieve this. All to be followed by transferring the laboratory results to large scale industrial production. He is, among others, the author of 35 patents and 127 publications in peer reviewed journals, as well as recipient of the European Descartes Award for utilizing ferrites for the thermochemical production of hydrogen from water.
Abstract: Recent developments on soft magnetic ferrites