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Welcome to the 25th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference

The photos of the event are now available on the gallery pages, sorted by day (you have to login).

The procceding in pdf is on the Conference Proceeding page (you have to login)



It is our great pleasure to announce the 25th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM), to be held in Grenoble, France, the international capital of French Alps, form 2 to 5 May 2022. SMM25, as it has always been since the first event at Torino, Italy in 1973, brings academic and industrial specialists together to share and spread the latest advances on all aspects of soft magnetic materials.

The conference will provide all participants with opportunities to fruitfully exchange the latest developments, ideas and their experiences on the fields of materials properties, fundamental studies in magnetism and simulations, applications and their design during technical sessions.

With your active contributions of submitting papers and presentations as well as active participation, the SMM25 surely will be an academically enriching, socially enjoyable, and truly memorable experience for all participants.

On behalf of the board of the international steering committee, the editorial board and organizing committee, we cordially invite you to come to Grenoble, France, to attend the SMM25.

We gratefully thank all our sponsors for supporting the conference !










our exhibitors at the conference event :


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