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Full papers informations

Authors of 1-page digests presented at SMM25 are invited to submit full papers which will be reviewed for possible publication in a special issue of Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. This review will be performed according to the JMMM standards.

Submission of full papers is opened for all authors whether they contribute to conference through oral, poster and invited presentations according to the following limitations:

  • oral and poster presentations: 4-page full paper
  • invited presentations: 6-8 page full paper

To be eligible for journal publication, each paper must be presented by one of the authors. No-show paper will not be eligible for submission to the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials for publication.


Instructions for Full Paper submission

To prepare their paper, authors should follow the guidelines on the Elsevier's website: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/journal-of-magnetism-and-magnetic-materials/0304-8853/guide-for-authors

Also, the digest ID must be marked in the page header of your paper, in the format "SMM25:######" where ###### is the SciencesConf ID number of your 1-page digest (e.g. SMM25:123456).

You must upload the full paper on the following page: https://www.editorialmanager.com/magma/default1.aspx

If you are a new user, you will first need to register.

For the Article Type of your submission, you have to choose VSI: Advances in SMM

The authors are expected to revise and submit their full papers by May, 31, 2022 for peer review.

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